Archive for November, 2006

mix up your home prepared food to lose weight and stimulate your brain

Eating home prepared food means that each meal is slightly different and allows you to create variety in otherwise mechanically created repeat meals. Variety in your food triggers different positive responses in your body and your brain.

Seth Roberts, in his Shangri-La diet, talks about eating new flavours and cooking more to combat the creation of strong
taste to calorie associations. Avoiding ‘ditto’ foods, the packages or processed foods which appear and taste exactly the same on your plate time after time, helps break thes calorie associations, which help lower your body’s set point and lead to less hunger and weigth loss. For more details on the science and diet, see

The simple differences in food texture, smell, taste and appearance can stimulate your brain’s activity and forge new connections & links in your neural pathways (which is good…). Combine this with eating food out of a normal order, in a different environment or with different people and you can give your brain a good work out while eating dinner. Read ‘Keeping Your Brain Alive’ by Lawrence C. Katz and Manning Rubin for more information, see

A farm box of seasonal fruit and veg is a great way to encourage you to experiment with produce you might not ordinarily buy. A bread machine changes your daily bread from a ditto food to something unique, try adding spices or dried fruit to your breads. Look to world foods for inspiration.

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anger and blame

Every time a manager is outwardly angry or blames someone else, they are admitting in public their own fears, weaknesses or failings.

Use your anger, fears and blame, to help you identify areas that should also be on your action list.

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agonizing decisions vs twitch skill

Twitch skill is a minority interest

Its challenge inherently limits the number of people that can and want to play these games (age, sex and mindset). Clear and explicit decision making is a more rewarding and open game-play dynamic that is under used in video games. Micro decisions made under pressure are common, but those considered & sometimes agonizing decisions made in great board games are missing from video games.

Building from casual gaming towards games that develop the choices and decisions that player has to make, have great potentially for growth in video online gaming.

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